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Treehouse Code Adventures > Animal Crossing API

Animal Crossing API

Animal Crossing API

Create a web application that uses the Nookipedia Animal Crossing API to display information about the game's villagers.

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Created: 11/06/2023 by Brian Jensen

Skill level: intermediate

Topics used: HTML CSS JavaScript API

Estimated completion time: 6 Hours

    Create a web application that uses the Nookipedia Animal Crossing API to display information about the game's villagers.

  1. 0

    To begin, click "Start Adventure" at the top of the page and then download your starter files.

  2. 1

    Apply for an API key from Nookipedia.

  3. 2

    Use the Nookipedia API to fetch data about a single, random Animal Crossing villager. Make sure to use the New Horizons parameters as part of the API URL: ?game=nh&nhdetails=true

  4. 3

    Log the returned data to view the structure of the villager object.

  5. 4

    The background color and text color for the villagers name tag should be pulled from the API.

  6. 5

    Conditionally render the villager's hobby image.