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Ruby Rails Routes and Resources Routes to Create Actions View for New Pages

Danish Saleem
Danish Saleem
7,965 Points

undefined method error when using form_for

Hi , i understand that the form_for takes an Model Object , i defined it as below in controller class

def new
    @coffenew = CoffeType.new

however when i use <%= form_for (@coffenew) do |c| ......

i got the following error:

undefined method `coffe_types_path' for #<#<Class:0x007fe452f23a80>:0x007fe453e13f18>
Did you mean?  coffe_new_path

it works for me if i use the url argument with form_for as <%= form_for(@coffenew , url: 'new') do |c| %> since my route.rb has

get '/coffe/new' , to: 'coffe#new'

but i do not know why i am getting this error and why it is not working the same as in video, need help plz

Jay McGavren
Jay McGavren
Treehouse Teacher

Danish Saleem I think you're missing a route that you need. Can you post your entire routes.rb file? Can you run bin/rails routes at the command line and post the result of that?

Pragadesh Krishnan
Pragadesh Krishnan
3,020 Points

I too get the same error


def edit
        @cric_prof = CricProfile.find(params[:id])

%= form_for(@cric_prof) do |f| %>

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  # For details on the DSL available within this file, see http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html

  get '/cric_profiles', to: 'cric_profiles#index', as: 'profiles'
 # post '/cric_profiles', to: 'cric_profiles#add', as: add_new_player
  get '/cric_profiles/new', to: 'cric_profiles#new'
  get '/cric_profiles/:id', to: 'cric_profiles#show', as: 'cric_prof_show'
  get '/cric_profiles/:id/edit', to: 'cric_profiles#edit'
  post '/cric_profiles', to: 'cric_profiles#add' 
  delete '/cric_profiles/:id', to: 'cric_profiles#delete', as: 'cricDel'

Jay McGavren
Jay McGavren
Treehouse Teacher

Pragadesh Krishnan Can you copy the exact error you're getting and paste it here? For example, Danish got the error

undefined method `coffe_types_path' for #<#<Class:0x007fe452f23a80>:0x007fe453e13f18>
Did you mean?  coffe_new_path

above. It looks like he was missing a coffe_types_path method. What method does it report as missing for you?

Jay McGavren
Jay McGavren
Treehouse Teacher

Pragadesh Krishnan I notice you're using some non-standard route names. form_for expects particular path helper methods to exist, and using non-standard route names could lead to conflicts. Your routes should look roughly like this:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  get    '/cric_profs',          to: 'cric_profs#index'
  post   '/cric_profs',          to: 'cric_profs#create'
  get    '/cric_profs/new',      to: 'cric_profs#new',  as: 'new_cric_prof'
  get    '/cric_profs/:id',      to: 'cric_profs#show', as: 'cric_prof'
  get    '/cric_profs/:id/edit', to: 'cric_profs#edit', as: 'edit_cric_prof'
  patch  '/cric_profs/:id',      to: 'cric_profs#update'
  delete '/cric_profs/:id',      to: 'cric_profs#destroy'
Pragadesh Krishnan
Pragadesh Krishnan
3,020 Points

Thank you Jay for your clarification. So Would i have avoided the error if i used the instance variable in the controller file something like this def edit @cric_profile = CricProfile.find(params[:id])

Jay McGavren
Jay McGavren
Treehouse Teacher

Pragadesh Krishnan Sorry, but I won't know how to help you until I see the exact error you got!

2 Answers

Ethan Rivas
Ethan Rivas
9,979 Points

Sorry I didn't get it, when you get that error and when it does work?

I had to use <%= form_for :post do |f| %>